Wirenet Amiga Internet

NetConnect2 FAQ

Genesis Wizard

A few people have experienced a problem using the Wizard with their modem. Active Technologies can supply a fix.

Collecting mail with MicroDot-II

The account details should be set up as follows:

POP3 (mail) account: Your hostname (the part of your address between the @ and the first .

password: Your login password

POP3 server address: mail.u-net.com

Delete mail on server: ticked

Authentication method: User/Pass

(E)SMTP (relay) server: send.mail.u-net.com

Your real email address: Your full email address

This screengrab shows the settings for an email address of me@home.u-net.com


Getting a newsgroup list

Microdot-II fails when downloading the full newsgroup list, after almost 29,000 groups. The list of groups is available from U-Net's ftp server, but needs altering before it can be used with MicroDot-II. The procedure is:
  1. Download the newsgroup list and save it in MicroDot's data drawer with the name GroupList. You may need to shift-click on the link to download it instead of displaying it.
  2. Download and unarchive the FixMDGroups script.
  3. Run FixMDGroups from a shell by typing "rx FixMDGroups"
  4. Rename the file from GroupList to GroupList.user where user is the user you log into NetConnect2 as (MicroDot now holds a separate group list for each user).


Set up your mail address as in MicroDot-II. For other settings, see the page on the Proxy Server.

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This page was last updated on Thursday 29 April 1999.
This page is copyright Wirenet © 1999